The ReMind™ Series
Four different approaches toward optimal well-being.
How to Meditate and Why
Interested in Meditation and wondering if it could benefit you? Gain understanding of How and Why Meditation fits into your life.
Meditation looks different wherever you go, but it can help you wherever you are.
2018 - Indie Reader Discovery Awards-Non-Fiction
2018 - Independent Press Awards-How-to
2018 - Body Mind Spirit Book Awards-Meditation
2017 - Human Relations Indie Book Award-Self-Help and Wellness
Embracing Yoga at Chicago Jewish Day School
Yoga Chicago Mag Cover Story, March-April 2020
Mara wrote about her experiences teaching middle schoolers yoga and meditation and how it has impacted their lives.
Doing Nothing is Something
Yoga Chicago Magazine, April Newsletter 2020
Published during the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, Mara wrote about Meditation during your daily quarantine.